
Based on 200+ Proven Strategies for Didactics Reading

Looking for successful, piece of cake-to-implement tools and techniques to integrate differentiated reading pedagogy? Y'all're in the right place. Read on!

I imagine a literacy program every bit a maze of intersecting pathways; some of the students travel as a community, and others forge ahead as individuals or small groups. There are multiple routes to reading, and differentiation can lead the manner.

Differentiation is certainly getting a lot of buzz lately, only there is no magic wand needed to integrate differentiation into your literacy program. Quite only, differentiation is adjusting your instruction to meet the unique needs of your various learners.

Furthermore, according to Tomlinson (2001), "Differentiating instruction means 'shaking up' what goes on in the classroom then that students have multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn." Differentiation is not a single strategy, but an approach to instruction that incorporates a variety of strategies.

When teachers differentiate, they do so in response to a student's readiness, interest, and learning profile. Because of their unique and diverse literacy needs, our students demand us to differentiate the production, procedure, and/or content of learning.

Differentiation is not …

  • Request every student to read the same text with the same purpose and using the aforementioned strategy
  • Giving the aforementioned pedagogy and assignments to the whole class
  • Giving extra assignments to students who finish early
  • Individualized instruction for each student
  • Doing something completely unlike for each student in your classroom
  • Creating permanent, labeled groups that never change

Differentiation is…

  • More circuitous than just providing different students with different learning experiences
  • Based on the students' needs
  • Considering students' readiness levels, interests, and learning styles
  • A flexible approach to instruction and grouping
  • Providing more than one option to the students every bit they read their texts
  • Using different reading strategies to match the material to see the literacy needs of our students
  • Changing the mode we teach then that everyone can learn and attain

The good news is, you can brand a real difference in the literacy skills of your students without burning yourself out, with a few key techniques.

To aid you create literacy lessons that appoint and motivate your students, I accept described 20 tools that you tin can add to your differentiated educational activity toolkit today. Remember, choose the ones that will piece of work best for yous, your pedagogy style, and the unique needs of your students.

In other words, there are "different ways of knowing; unlike ways of showing." Keep in mind that i size does non fit all. In fact, one size fits few.

Strategies for Differentiating Reading Instruction

Provide flexible grouping patterns

Get away from stock-still power group. Students work as part of many different groups, depending on the task and/or content. Groups tin can be bundled past the teacher or selected past the students. This allows them to piece of work with a wide variety of their peers and gets them away from being labeled as either struggling or avant-garde.

Go on in heed the acronym TAPS:

  • T = Full group instruction
  • A = Lonely time
  • P = Partner work
  • Southward = Modest-group work


Empower students to make choices of activities to complete or as they learn a skill. Choice reading keeps students engaged and moving frontwards.

Choice boards

Choice boards are organizers that present the students a diverseness of activities to demonstrate their knowledge of a subject or skill. For instance, instead of assigning a cookie-cutter template of a volume report that everyone must complete, why not prepare a tic-tac-toe sheet list many different options to study on a volume that has been read and that taps into their involvement and learning mode?

Some examples include:

  • Pantomime a part of the story for others to guess
  • Create a story map of main events
  • Write a letter to the author explaining why you liked the book
  • Make a flip volume of the main characters of the story
  • Create a puppet show of the plot of the story to share

Literacy centers, interest centers, and/or involvement groups

Literacy centers can provide choices or be assigned based on readiness levels. Students tin can piece of work equally part of minor groups, depending on the task and/or content. Centers can focus on specific reading skills (e.m., phonics or vocabulary) or provide activities that centre on a theme of interest. For a book report, students can work in interest groups with other students who have read the same book.

Here are some other ideas for literacy centers that will help y'all differentiate:

  • Big Volume Center
  • Writing Eye
  • Poesy Center
  • Drama Center
  • Discussion Piece of work Center
  • ABC Center
  • Estimator Center
  • Buddy Reading Center
  • Fluency Middle
  • Comprehension Middle
  • Listening Center

Learning contracts

Learning contracts are agreements betwixt the teacher and the educatee. The teacher describes the needed skills to be mastered and the required components to complete assignments, and the pupil identifies methods to complete the tasks. This allows students to work at their appropriate pace and fosters their learning styles. It as well promotes them to work independently and teaches them planning skills.

Give students meaningful work, not busy work

Pocket-sized-group instruction and literacy centers are important, but always keep in listen the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the lesson.

Brand the work for all learners highly-seasoned and motivating

Don't provide newspaper-and-pencil worksheets for the struggling readers while the advanced students are engaged in project-based learning activities.

Accept time to teach procedures and routines

Establish "atmospheric condition nosotros need to work together" as group norms. Take the students vote on them, agree to them, and continue them posted at all times for reminders. Consider all of the moving parts of your literacy cake. How tin you assist information technology run smoothly? Model the expected behaviors and practice.

Some pointers to continue in heed:

  • How will students work productively in small groups?
  • What do they do when they cease their work?
  • How practice they inquire for assist?
  • How will they assemble for read-aloud fourth dimension?
  • What should they consider in selecting their own books?
  • How will they motion through the literacy centers?
  • How practice they piece of work independently and productively if you are busy with a minor group?
  • How will you minimize noise and extra movement?

Assess regularly on an ongoing basis with informal measures

Differentiation isn't just well-nigh having different students do different things. Differentiated instruction is based on pupil needs. Ongoing formative assessment is the central. Programme how y'all will use the results to differentiate.


  • Students jot down three ideas, concepts, or issues presented.
  • Students jot downwardly ii examples or uses of idea or concept.
  • Students write downward 1 unresolved question or a possible defoliation.

Idea wave

Each student lists three to five ideas about the assigned topic. Ane volunteer begins the idea moving ridge by sharing an idea. The pupil to the right of the volunteer shares one idea; the next student to the right shares one more than idea.

The teacher directs the thought moving ridge until several different ideas take been shared.

Go out tickets

In go out tickets, students write responses to questions posed at the end of a class or learning activity or at the end of a twenty-four hour period.

Numbered heads huddle

Each student is assigned a number. Members of a group work together to agree on an respond. The teacher randomly selects i number. Students with that number answer for their grouping.

Hand signals

Ask students to brandish a designated hand betoken to indicate their understanding of a specific concept or process:

  • I understand ____________ and can explain it (eastward.g., thumbs upwards).
  • I do non yet understand ____________ (e.g., thumbs down).
  • I'k not completely certain near ____________ (e.g., wave hand).

Construction your reading block for differentiation

Endeavour something new. It is hard to differentiate with a literacy block of whole-class instruction the entire fourth dimension. Commencement with a whole-course mini-lesson of no more than x minutes. Incorporate a targeted reading skill: comprehension strategy, word-solving, vocabulary, etc. And so provide time for option in independent reading and/or literacy centers. This gives yous fourth dimension to meet individually or with small groups for targeted instruction. Conclude with a brief sharing session.

Tiered assignments

Tiered assignments are designed to instruct students on essential skills that are provided at unlike levels of complication. The curricular content and objectives are the same, merely the process or products are modified according to the student's level of readiness. For example, students with moderate comprehension skills are asked to create a story map, whereas students with advanced comprehension skills are asked to retell the story from the perspective of one of the primary characters.

Target different senses and learning styles inside lessons

Rethink how lessons can be presented using a range of learning styles past:

  • Playing video clips
  • Using infographics
  • Providing audiobooks
  • Using creative dramatics and role-play to act out scenes of a story
  • Using charts and illustrations with text
  • Providing exact and written directions to tasks
  • Using realia and other physical objects to explain key concepts
  • Allowing fourth dimension for artistic reflections and symbolic summaries

Make time for journaling and quick-write activities

Don't be afraid to printing the pause button and take students reflect on the lessons you've taught or stories they accept read.

Explore literature circles

Organizing students into literature circles encourages them to share their understanding of the readings, and helps auditory and participatory learners retain more information past getting more than involved. This also gives you an opportunity to informally appraise their comprehension as y'all listen to their discussion, asking questions and promoting a deeper understanding.

Assign open-ended projects

Become away from the cookie-cutter arroyo to assignments. Give students a list of possible projects that tin demonstrate their understanding of the lesson. This encourages them to work at their ain stride, engage actively with the content, and showcase their distinct learning styles.

Wrapping up

Use these differentiated pedagogy strategies and techniques to come across the diverse needs and learning styles of your students equally they engage in the multiple pathways to literacy. Subsequently all, the purpose is reaching the widest range of students with their diverse entry points to learning.

Take information technology slow and exist easy on yourself. Go along calculation new strategies to your toolbox each year … irksome down to become faster … and have fun!


Perez, Yard. (2016). 200+ proven strategies for teaching reading . Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.

Tomlinson, C. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Kathy Perez

Kathy Perez, EdD, is a professor emerita at Saint Mary's College of California. She has all-encompassing educational activity experience as a general and special educator, literacy/ESL motorcoach, administrator, and curriculum/staff-evolution coordinator.


Source: https://www.solutiontree.com/blog/differentiated-reading-instruction/

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