Home Update: Five Months In

We've been homeowners for over v months at present, and I'thousand finally coming to terms with the fact that a abode is not something that tin can be busy overnight. I've also realized that I have a terrible habit of jumping around to a meg different projects instead of focusing on i until it's complete.

Today, I thought I'd have a couple minutes to tell you what I'k currently up to around the house. I, ahem, have projects underway in every room of the business firm. I'chiliad hoping talking most the projects in three of the rooms volition motivate me to cease something and then I can testify you lot the cease upshot of my madness before long! (If you lot're new here, take a look at the tour of our kickoff home.)


I attacked our kitchen walls with pigment a couple weeks ago. The beige was getting to me, so I finally made a paint colour determination (cheers to those of you that chimed in with your color favorites on Facebook). I went with Valspar'southward Blueish Thunder. After the first few rolls of pigment, I stepped dorsum and had a slight panic assault. I wasn't sure how I felt about the colour! It was a fleck more blue than I envisioned. Only I figured I was pretty committed at that bespeak so I only kept on rolling. And at present that all the paint is dry, I am really enjoying information technology!

kitchen nook
Kitchen Blue Wall

This fabricated a huge improvement to the look of our kitchen. I really similar how the white cabinets and appliances popular confronting the dark paint. And then I painted the walls in two days, simply at present it's been more two weeks and there are still affect-ups that need to be done. The paint and stepladder are only hanging out in the corner of the kitchen. Not sure why I haven't just finished it already. I'm currently finishing up a mood lath for the kitchen to help me narrow down what blazon of decor I want to incorporate plus I'm making plans for what to practice with this empty corner. Stay tuned!

Arts and crafts STUDIO

I had a free Saturday about 2 months ago where I just had the crawling to paint, and for some reason I instantly decided I should pigment over the ugly red concrete in my time to come craft studio in our basement. So I headed to ACE Hardware and picked up a beautiful night grey floor paint. I excitedly got out my mop to clean the floor so I could start rolling paint over it. But earlier I even had the entire room mopped, I noticed the pigment was starting to chimera upward all over the place from the water. Yikes! The ugly cherry-red paint turned into ugly bubbles red paint! My afternoon project instantly turned into something much more involved.

After consulting my friend Google, I spent a couple chemical fume-filled nights stripping the red paint off the concrete. Then I cleaned the entire floor well with mineral spirits.The flick on the left shows the floor before I started, and the i on the right shows it in the middle of my scraping/cleaning mess.
craft Basement Red Peeling Floor

The floor is finally prepped and ready for that greyness paint! I'm hoping to start painting this weekend. This room looks like a disaster correct now simply information technology's the room I'one thousand most excited nearly in this house. I have such m plans to turn it into a glamorous craft studio one day.


I haven't actually done annihilation to the living room, but I've been spending a lot of fourth dimension planning out the wall color and wall decor. I have officially decided to paint the walls the same light grey that I used in our dining room makeover. This is the next room on my painting to-do list, but information technology'due south a piffling more involved to move all the article of furniture so I'm going to endeavour to hold off on information technology until I have an actress hand and a cake of free time.

Then, in that location'southward a piddling peek at what I've been upward to. I've sure been keeping myself decorated, only I hope to do a better task of channeling my energy into one room at a time. The kitchen will exist the next up to be finished!

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Source: https://smallstuffcounts.com/home-update-five-months/

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